miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2007

The Broken Key/Pervert Clause

Two topics in today’s entry:

Disgrace has fall upon my car again. Yesterday started like any other day, normal breakfast, normal morning reading, even normal TV shows, until I found out a horrible fact: my car key was broken!!!, first I laughed then I panic, and finally did nothing, until today when I changed the switch. End of the story (The useless story of the day (just for my part))

In funny business today I went to a mall with my sister and niece, and a guy dressed up like Papa Christmas started to hit on my sister, that may sound funny but is also creepy, Santa Clause tried to seduce my sister.

Take care of your car keys, and girls stay away from Santa Clause or you could be next.

5 comentarios:

TurboJuMP dijo...

Jejeje, ¿y por qué se quebró?
De seguro por tanto uso :P

Es que se siente solito Santa xD!

Dissaor dijo...

la verdad no se, cuando agarre las llaves ya estaba quebrada

Anónimo dijo...

por que esa necedad de escribir las cosas en ingles :S
Fui a un curso de ingles, pae tres años estudiando ingles...
y no se ingles!!!
asi que no puedo comentar nada sobre tu escrito.
Bueno pasatela chido Oscar, diviertete y ya.

Anónimo dijo...

i never trust him

Dissaor dijo...

trusted*** learn to spell