jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2008


El otro día mientras buscaba algo en uno de mis cajones, me encontré un montón de tareas de cuando iba a clases de ingles, no sé porque pero me puse a leer algunas de las hojas que me encontré; había de todo, desde los primeros niveles hasta los últimos y mientras leía unos trabajos que hice de escritura me entro la nostalgia de mis buenos tiempos académicos que pase en el ingles y pues como ya se está acercando los tiempos nostálgicos de la temporada navideña y en vista de que al parecer a mi profesor le gusto mucho este escrito, se me ocurrió compartirlo con ustedes a ver qué piensan. Antes de leerlo tengan en cuenta que esto lo escribí hace aproximadamente 3 años y que era nueva en esto de escribir en ingles, aunque debo confesar que mientras lo leía hice unos cambios del original.

Solamente un comentario mas, ya se que esta medio raro que se llama ozzfest y lo del ozzfest es lo que menos se habla a final de cuentas, pero cuando la escribi se me paso la mano con la introduccion y pues se quedo en pura introduccion, jajajajaja.


I guess my story begins two years ago, when my brother and I were visiting my parents. On our way back to Juarez, I was talking to my brother about how much I would like to go to the Ozzfest and how my parents would never let me go. He told me it didn’t matter what my parents said, that he would take me and we could keep it as our little secret. Maybe he just said that to make me feel better or maybe he didn’t even meant to say that. Who knows, what really matters is that he gave me hope, a hope that I didn’t had before.

I know what you must be thinking; someone whose most memorable day of her life is a concert must be a looser, right? But for me it was more than just a concert. It meant a little bit of independence from my parents.

Anyways, early that year, I started saving money, after all going to the Ozzfest can be really expensive., but it did matter, because I was certain it would be worth it. Just the fact that one of my favorite bands (Lacuna Coil) was going to be there was a good enough reason for me to go; the rest was a pretty damn cool bonus.

Back then I was in my last year of high school so I was involved in a lot of projects, papers and finals; a lot of those projects were in groups, so I spent most of my time going here and there with them, which ultimately meant that I had to spend most of my money on gas for my car, little things I needed for the projects, eating out with the guys I was working with, and other things of the sort. I did not had a job back then (actually I still don’t, jeje) and my parents did not send me nearly enough, so I never had any money left to save. How on earth would I get the necessary cash to go to Ozzfest that way?

Well, I had no choice, desperate times demand desperate actions. At first, I stopped spending money on things that were not a priority. Meaning: no more fun, no more movies, eating out, buying movies, CDs or books, pretty much anything. Unfortunately I soon realize that it was not enough, and that I had to cut out my expenses even more, so I stopped buying anything that was not essential for my house and nothing more. Who needs milk, bread or cheese when you can eat them for free at your grandmother’s house?

Finally, after a few months of complete austerity, I bought my ticket in June, but of course, I had to keep saving money for the actual trip; the more the better. I got so obsessed with the saving money thing, that eventually I had nothing in my house. You could have opened my fridge and it would be totally empty, at the end, there was not even water in it.

The preparations for getting into college began soon after that. It was hard but I was happy. Then, the worst thing that I could have possibly imagined happened. It was about a month before Ozzfest when I heard that on the exact same day as Ozzfest I had to enroll for school. It was really bad for me, after all the sacrifices that it had taken me to get the money I needed for the concert, I had to watch the opportunity of a life-time slip away from my hands and there was nothing I could do.

Next year, I started preparing for Ozzfest with a lot of anticipation. First, I found someone to go with me, then I saved enough money to buy the ticket and after that I saved enough for the rest of the trip. Everything seemed to be going well, and I was sure as hell I was not going to let anything get in the way this time.

The week before Ozzfest, I could not sleep at all, I was too excited. We went to Albuquerque (where the concert was being held) the day before, and we stayed that night with one of my uncles, and, of course, I barely slept during the night.

The day of the Ozzfest, we got up early because we had to be there to pick up the tickets. We were in the venue at around 8:00 am. We picked up the tickets and got in. It was amazing, it was not only a concert; it really was a festival. There were stands with games, people selling stuff, people putting tattoos and all kind of things. There was also the greatest variety of people you could imagine. From people half naked to people with too much clothes on them. All of the bands were great, I even got two bands to sign my CDs and I took pictures with some of them. It was just perfect, even the part when I almost died crushed by the crowd.

P.S. For all of you who don’t know what an Ozzfest is, it is one of the biggest metal festivals all over the world; and it takes its name after the founder of the festival Ozzy Osbourne. For more information you can visit the Ozzfest web page http://www.ozzfest.com/
P.S. to see my pictures from Ozzfest 2005 and 2006 you can check my live space at http://dveinsofglass.spaces.live.com/

2 comentarios:

Dissaor dijo...

una entrada cargada de emotividad, y quiero decirte que el tema principal es el ozzfest sin duda alguna, ya que cuentas todo lo que ocurrio alrededor de este, desde tus ayunos hasta tu emocion de el dia antes una historia que abarca poco mas de un año pero una historia que ciertamente vale la pena contar

VeinsOfGlass dijo...

Gracias Dissaor, que amable. Al parecer tú fuiste el único que la leyó. O al menos el único que comento algo. Lo que no me gusta de nuestro blog es que da la impresión de que nadie lo lee. Así que, ¡eah, gente!, ¿en donde están? Pongan comentarios, negativos, positivos, lo que sea es mejor que nada.